Sweetened Condensed Milk Cake | Wonder Food Recipes
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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Sweetened Condensed Milk Cake

Sweetened Condensed Milk is having a bit of a moment.  It has a lot of things going for it when it comes to food trend bingo: sweet, rich, vaguely nostalgic, cheap, found in a can. It also can be transformed into an amazing dulce de leche, just by boiling a can in water for 90 minutes. It�s versatile and simple, and pulls at my heartstrings, as if it�s nestled somewhere in my past.  But it�s not.  My mom was more of a �golden syrup� lady, so sweetened condensed milk�s charms are a new revelation to me.

This cake mirrors the simple loveliness of its star ingredient.  It�s compact and dense, filled with not-too-sweet eggy flavor, but not a show stopper.  It�s the cake that I devoured over the course of a day.  It�s the cake I have to taste every time I walk passed it, because, I simply have to. You can serve it almost plain, with just a kiss of lemon zest and powdered sugar, like I did, or you could add a dark chocolate glaze or some whipped cream and berries to really make it impressive.

Recipe >> Sweetened condensed milk cake @ technicolorkitcheninenglish.blogspot.com Pin It ============================================================================

